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Greetings from the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health. We are members of an international community dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the interactive effects between environmental geochemistry, human and ecological health.
In our “Americas” chapter, we are focused on promoting the principles of environmental equity and equality by building strong relationships between geochemical and health professionals throughout the Western hemisphere. To build such a network, we are starting with a grass roots effort to bring together current members of our group with likeminded researchers, and importantly, their students who may be interested in extending their research internationally.
The SEGH-Americas board members host a monthly seminar series/discussion group meeting where we will introduce you to our society, our own unique research programs, and set the stage for the many great talks and conversations to follow! As communication is key towards establishing relationships between North and Latin America, this initial meeting will be conducted in both English and Spanish, so feel free to show up and participate in either language. Again, we especially encourage participation by junior researchers, so please feel free to forward this email to any interested students as our seminar series will culminate with an extended student seminar session where they will be given the opportunity to present their work and take an active role in expanding this initiative.
If you and/or a collaborator are interested in presenting your work in the new year please email Clay Prater ( to schedule a speaker slot. In the meantime, please see the attached flier for seminar dates/times for our first round of speakers. We look forward to seeing you soon and working together to expand our network throughout the Americas!
The SEGH-Americas Board:
Ofiela Morton (UNAM; Mexico)
Paulina Pic (UDELAR; Uruguay)
Bob Finkelman (University of Texas-Dallas; USA)
Clay Prater (Oklahoma State University; USA)
Dr. Oliver Mendoza Cano from the University of Colima, Mexico presents his talk “Epidemic-toxicological profile introduction: Defining social environmental and sanitary emergency region in Colima, Mexico”
Maria Mercedes Castillo Uzcanga and Krista Capps detail their friendship-based collaborative efforts and provide invaluable insights into how to create and sustain international collaborations by highlighting their work in tropical stream ecosystems in Mexico.”
Christian Salazar discusses his work using full life-cycle assessment to compare water treatment disinfection technologies in Ecuador. ”
Dawn Burton, Prairie View A&M University, gives a very insightful talk discussing her work on health equity of marginalized groups.
In our first lecture of the series, SEGH Americas Members Bob Finkelman, Ofelia Morten, and Clay Prater discuss their “diverse backgrounds and complementary interests” in environmental geochemistry and health.
ATTN: All environmental nerds! The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) Americas Section invites you to join us for two jam-packed days of presentations concerning “The Health of a Changing World”. This FREE virtual event will consist of 15-minute keynote talks (see below), 5-minute short talks, and roundtable question periods covering diverse issues related to elements, pollutants, and ecological/ecosystem health. Additionally, there will be end of day networking sessions to encourage informal chats and camaraderie, along with SEGH memberships + bragging rights given out to the top presenters.
This event is open to researchers of all career stages, and we especially encourage early career researchers to present their work. Come and join SEGH Americas for a diverse collection of presentations and networking opportunities.
23rd September 2021 1-4pm (CDT)
Session duration: 3hr session. The event will be hosted on Zoom.
Keystone talks
Maria Armienta: Research Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
“Arsenic and chromium in groundwater of Central Mexico. Identification of sources and alternatives to avoid population exposure”
Sally Entrenkin: Associate Professor, Entomology, Virginia Tech
“Salt effects on carbon quality and cycling across riparian-stream boundaries”
Iris Koch: Senior Analytical Manager, Royal Military College of Canada
“From health concerns to data quality: Investigations into an underperforming bioaccessibility standard reference material”
David Patch: PhD Candidate, Royal Military College of Canada
“Release and characterization of silver from commercial products”
Malcolm Siegel: Chair, Geology and Health Scientific Division, Geological Society of America
“Medical geologists on the team: New roles in exposure science and risk management”
Nicole Wagner: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biology, Baylor University
“Acclimation to variable nitrogen:phosphorus ratios affects the ionome and physiology of a nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria”
Any questions can be sent to Clay Prater
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